A ‘contrite’ apology — a handful of opinions to share


To the Editor:

First I want to thank the Democrat club for pointing out my really dumb mistake in tying President Bush to a comment made in 2011.

I could blame the computer when I typed in a date and it told me that Bush was president at the time. I was around in 2011 and knew better and should have rechecked my typing. I wanted to pretend to be a groundhog, go down in my hole and never come out again.

I’m sorry, regretful, remorseful, repentant, contrite, penitent, and beg forgiveness from your readers It’s a sin to tell a lie.

But I still stand by these other facts:

1. $1.7 billion in cash ( euros and Swiss francs) was delivered to Iran. They also gained access to additional billions.

2. Joe Biden did the exact thing Trump was accused of, got away with it, and bragged about it.

3. Hunter Biden got a cushy job with an Ukrainian oil company with no qualifications.

4. The Obama administration lied about Benghazi, blaming it on a obscure video.

There are others.

Following are my opinions which can be challenged:

1. The cash was a signing bonus. Given without any action on the part of the other party.

2. The Iranians were better negotiators. They got what they wanted and only had to make some empty promises. Remember Reagan “Trust but Verify.”

3. Biden did a real “quid pro quo.”

I believe that the majority of Americans are happy that Trump was acquitted. We’ll confirm that in November.

The behavior of Adam Schiff was deplorable, he looked for a crime or misdemeanor for three years and found nothing until settling on a single phone call and a constitutional refusal to open the president’s office to scrutiny.