To the Editor:
On a Saturday, a week and a half before this last election I posted a few “Note NO on 3” signs on my church and cemetery property. Upon arriving for Sunday service I noticed that the signs had been removed. I later contacted one of the church elders and asked him if he knew anything about the signs being removed. He said yes. I then asked why and was shocked by his answer. He replied “they were removed by a former elder because they (implying this past elder and current elder) didn’t want the community to know that the church had anything to do with putting these signs up.”
On a follow up elders meeting, I was told that I was causing division in the church. Again I was shocked. Several times I made the point that Amendment 3 was not a political issue but a moral issue specifically a Ten Commandments issue. The elders doubled down on their initial decision to remove the signs, and stated again that I was causing division.
At this point in the discussion I stated that I would not want to be in their shoes on judgment day.
Church attendance in our country has been on the decline in recent years. We must have strong leaders.
Have we as Christians become so afraid of offending someone in the community or in the church that we have abandoned a biblical mandate?
Fred Hoch
Member Antioch Christian Church – Leslie
May all true believers have a blessed Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas.