Mail Bag

Reading in the Unterrified Democrat


In the “For the Record” section by Ralph Voss, Loss of Credibility, my experts say, and I believe them, that the collapse of Communist Russia was caused by prayers said by a devout peoples, to Jesus Christ, as ask for by His Holy Mother, Mary. Other causes may have weakened the Communist Russia, but prayers said to Jesus Christ Our Savior, and His mother, in union with I believe, Pope John Paul II brought about its fall.
Lessons here can be learned by all of us. The first sign that any country will weaken and fail, and go to bad rulers is loss of morals by the peoples in that country. First go good morals and next bad rulers will raise.
I close now asking prayers for me I need them! Pray for our friends, the poor souls in purgatory and for all people alive. Pray for raparation for sins which offend our Lord. Pray prayers of thanksgiving for all good, our God does for all of us. Thank you.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Yours truly,
Jackie Luebbert
Resident at Westphalia Hills