County Democrats seek dialogue on ‘common ground,’ like neighbors


Common ground doesn’t seem like too much to expect in a country that calls itself the United States.

But where can you find it and what does it even look like anymore?

The Gasconade County Democrats Club would like to venture into what has become a no-man’s-land of political “debate” and offer a straight-forward, civil explanation of what we believe and why.

We invite similarly characterized opposing opinions with the hope that this open process will provide a mechanism for resolving differences and, more essentially, for exposing our commonalities. 

It is not so important how long either side can hold its breath in tomorrow’s struggle for power as it is that we restore a basis of mutual consideration, reliable data and integrity in how we deal with one another. Families have squabbles but they can’t resort to lies, name-calling, and sneaky manipulation if they hope to live happily together in peace and trust. 

Our issues are that fundamental.

“Make America Great Again.” Are those fighting words worn as a taunt on red caps or a sentiment the entire political spectrum can agree on?

Really, who doesn’t want us to be “Great Again?”

The question that we overrun in our charge against the enemy is “what made us great in the first place?”

Was it just about power and wealth or our principles, hopes and unified resolve?

As Democrats we see the need for everyone to dig deep and recognize what it is we are tacitly enabling and what we truly stand for. We need to avoid the oily words of saying one thing that can sound like, and often becomes, another. 

We can’t engage in, or tolerate, spinning, convenient exaggeration, code words, alternative facts, tweaking, just playing politics, or any other euphemism for lying. Lies are just lies, are just lies, are just lies. They grind bedrock truth into misunderstanding and then into the sand of rationalization and hypocrisy.

No one stands tall there.

Our intent is to address one topic at a time and emphasize what we feel are misconceptions about our attitudes and positions. We may be guessing as to what you’re thinking about us, but we’ll try to make sure you don’t have to wonder what it is that we believe. Gentle frankness, reputable information,and honesty should provide solid footing so we may approach one another as neighbors might, who have something they need to talk about.

We can be reached at