Need for proposed GCR-2 performing art center no laughing matter


To the Editor:

Yesterday I submitted an email to the school board and administration in reference to the “laughing” matter regarding the request for a Performing Art Center.

Today I received a call from Dr. (Jeri Kay) Hardy regarding my concerns.

First, I would like to express my disappointment in the way the article, particularly the lack of follow up and the way the content was delivered. The article stated, “Kris would like a performing arts center,” ‘Hardy said to laughter in the room.’

There was no follow up or further discussion on the laughing matter.

I took great offense to this as did my artistically talented high school daughters. Their words were “it’s just art Mom, we’re not important” followed by eye-rolls. Now fortunately they don’t give much credit to naysayers but it is still a punch in the gut to feel like the artists of our community are given less attention and appreciation that the athletes receive.

After speaking with Dr. Hardy, the laughter had absolutely nothing to do with the actual request of the performance art facility, I believe there will be follow up and clarification on this at some point.

Second, for those that may not understand our local artists and what art entails, I will do my best to explain, however, I am not an artist nor am I even remotely artistically inclined.

The arts are so much part of a bigger picture.

Have you seen the brilliant drawings, painting, sculptures, etc., that the high school art department works hours on and proudly displays?

What about one of the amazing plays our drama department puts on?

Maybe you have heard our choir and band give us a beautiful performance? Seen our dance team put on a beautifully choreographed performance? Or read some of the brilliantly written poetry or stories that are written?

Or seen the photography and videography that our students put hours into perfecting? The woodworkers, welders, yep art too. If you have not seen any of these wonderful displays of art I encourage you to do so. I am sure there are arts I left out and for that I apologize.

Third, why do we need a Performing Arts Center. Owensville could be a hub for great things. The center could be utilized year round, not just a season or two. The district could host various competitions and events, this would not only give our school district a boost economically but our local establishments, a huge source of revenue, and it could potentially double as a storm shelter.

Art is life.

Art is all around us, and makes us who we are, defining us and bringing us together.

We have beautiful sports facilities that allow our athletes to shine and be proud of, now it is time to give our artist the same.

Beth Harbert, Owensville