The almighty dollar shouts loudest


To the Editor:

I wholeheartedly agree with your Oct. 12, 2022, editorial comment that, “The reason Amendment 3 is on the ballot is money. If this passes, a select few will make millions, and countless others — you and me — will pay the costs financially and socially.”

So, what else is new?

The almighty dollar is what fuels our beloved, but fading capitalism. Its accumulation is what propels people to succeed.

While an increased availability of marijuana in society will likely see more children and grandchildren ingesting it, there’s at least one additional factor at play here. And that’s the fact that too many people with children simply aren’t cutting it as parents. They want to be their kids’ friend rather than their parent, thus bypassing the annoyance that parental discipline entrails.

I can assure you there are some households where discipline with repercussions is the norm and if a household rule forbids recreational drug use, chances are good the occupants of that household are drug-free.

No doubt about it, there’s a price to pay for legalizing the recreational use of marijuana and Colorado’s experience can attest to that. But the lure of masking life’s hardships with legal marijuana will appeal to many voters and the additional tax revenue its legalization will provide is sure to delight our lawmakers, regardless of the societal harm involved.

Sad, but oh so true.

Patrick J. Leslie
