Guest Commentary
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Instead of focusing on esoteric and special or personal interests, there are many areas that need to be addressed in the new legislative session that begins on Jan. 8 that could improve the lives of … more
October 15th marked the start of Medicare’s annual open enrollment period. Seniors can choose to stay on their current plan or switch to a new one. But this year, that choice is far more … more
Participation in school activities can help your community or schools. For example being in a club, participating in class and other activities. Always speaking up when wondering or questioning … more
Government programs are not known for moving at a rapid pace. Often, work in the public policy sector is laborious and time-consuming, sometimes taking decades to make significant progress. … more
This time of year is often called football season. Others may call it sweater weather and pumpkin spice latte time. I can almost get on board with those descriptions, but for farmers it’s … more
October marks Domestic Violence Aw areness Month, a time when we, as a society, must reflect on the pervasive and insidious nature of domestic violence, and strengthen our commitment to supporting … more
Shocking documentation of recently released records of sex-change surgeries performed on minors in various states should alert voters in Missouri that such is on the horizon if Amendment No. 3 … more
Politically, I’m a lifelong centrist. I believe this nation survives and thrives based on the good people in the “middle” who are willing to talk sensibly across the aisle, and … more
Every August, thousands of Missourians converge upon Sedalia for 11 days of food, fun and fellowship during the Missouri State Fair. The Missouri Farm Bureau building is always a hotbed of activity, … more
Even though I haven’t voted for a Democrat in this century (did many times before), I wasn’t one of those who called them communists. It seemed like overkill. Naive, yes. … more
What happened to Evelyn? What happened to Marsha? These questions still come up among my friends from high school 55 years later. Both disappeared from our high school class after they … more
Stand for the Silent, an organization helping to stop bullying, is helping to make schools safer OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., — Increasingly, people consider their child’s safety at school, … more
In case you missed it, athletes competing at the Olympic Games in Paris, France, are crying foul about the lack of meat-based protein options in the Olympic Village. “Disaster” is … more
Now that we have had the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, did either exhibit the qualities and competencies to earn your vote? Electing the best candidate is not up … more
National PTSD Awareness Month, which takes place each June, ushers in an array of awareness campaigns to benefit PTSD survivors. PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, occurs in people after … more
Missouri’s legislative session closed with a sad and stunning display of how little the loudest lawmakers identifying as “pro-life” care about helping children and families — … more
Immigrant baiting is now official business for Missouri officeholders. That’s the message from Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who says his office will represent three state senators who … more
The 2024 legislative session ended today, Friday, May 17. While we are thankful to see the final passage of legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, we are disappointed that passage of Initiative … more
Governor Parson signed HB 2634 on   May 9 putting in statute language that restricts tax-payer funds from going to abortion providers and their affiliates. Prior to 2020, Missouri … more
Agriculture is truly a remarkable industry, weaving together the rhythms of nature with the hard work and dedication of farmers, ranchers and their families. Amidst the idyllic landscapes and the … more
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