79 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Admiring a 1940’s model Chevrolet truck are friends John Horsteaniel (left) of Joneseburg and Bruce Junker of   Warrenton. The custom truck from Illinois was one of approximately 200 … more
HERMANN — Faced with flat revenue and increasing expenses, officials of the Hermann Area Ambulance District will be asking voters in April to approve a half-cent sales tax increase. This will … more
HERMANN — Legislation putting in place a permanent ban on new guesthouses in a pair of residential zoning districts is expected to be introduced next month for consideration by the Hermann … more
Runners, walkers, young and old showed up on Thursday for the 13th annual Hermann Turkey Trot. With a temperature at 30 degrees most participants covered their heads and hands for the 5k run/walk. … more
HERMANN — A capital campaign will be mounted by the Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce to fund a long-range Strategic Plan for economic development. The impetus for the effort is the ongoing … more
HERMANN — Will some of the employees expected to fill the hundreds of jobs created through developments within the Interstate 70 Corridor be commuting to work from homes in Hermann? Members of … more
HERMANN — For the administration team at Hermann Area District Hospital, it’s the color — not the size — of the bottom-line number that’s important on the preliminary … more
HERMANN — The cause of the Monday morning blaze that destroyed a longstanding downtown Hermann building wasn’t readily identified, but speculation among those familiar with the structure … more
HERMANN — Finally…those bugs in the Gasconade County courthouse’s telephone network appear to have been zapped. The effort to harden county government’s computer network … more
HERMANN — Saying he wanted his sentence to reflect the thinking of the jury, which appeared to be in a somewhat forgiving mood, the 20th Circuit’s top judge Friday handed down a 10-year … more
HERMANN — Residents of Hermann and surrounding communities again are being treated to a free Thanksgiving Day dinner. Hermann United Methodist Church, 136 Highway 100 West, will be hosting … more
The Sanderson Sisters (part of the Walt Disney Movie Hocus Pocus) made an appearance at Owensville Witches Night Out on Saturday. Portraying Mary is Beth Davidson, Becka Czapla as Sarah, and Frizzle … more
HERMANN — Gasconade County courthouse personnel will be receiving on-site training regarding the new elevator after all, according to County Clerk Lesa Lietzow. The county clerk last week … more
HERMANN — Soil was ceremoniously turned last week to signal the start of an 8-month effort to expand the Gasconade County Historical Society’s Archives Center in downtown Hermann. … more
HERMANN — Hermann hospital administrators continue to grapple with a shortage of skilled positions both on the hospital floor and at one of its clinics. Hermann Area District Hospital … more
Hermann — Peoples Savings Bank president and CEO, Mark Laune, recently concluded his term as president for 2023-24 of the Missouri Independent Bankers Association (MIBA). According to the … more
HERMANN — Hermann’s governing body Monday night began considering the particulars of legislation that would put in place a property maintenance and occupancy permit inspection program. … more
ST. JAMES—The city of Hermann is requesting the help of Hermann residents by completing a public opinion survey. The survey is part of the update of the Hermann Comprehensive Plan, which … more
New Haven — Missouri River Relief (MRR) is hosting a large-scale, community and equipment-based trash cleanup on the Missouri River along a 10-mile stretch near New Haven, mobilizing volunteers … more
The Hermann High School class of 1983 throws out candy during Friday’s homecoming parade. Hermann senior Kennedie Witthaus was crowned queen before the start of the football contest. The … more
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