Mail Bag

It’s not about Biden Or Trump


Dear Editor:

This election is about our God-given rights to Life, Liberty and Property, to be defended by the limited government of our Constitutional representative Republic. Bernie wanted democratic socialism. That is what his party’s platform is. To declare our government a democracy is a step in that direction. The meaning of democracy is the people rule. Ben Franklin said the founders formed a “Constitutional Republic if we can keep it.”

As such, every one is under the rule of constitutional law, not the whims of the people.

To make law effective it needs to be fairly enforced. Defunding law enforcement leads to lawlessness and loss of individual rights, Life, Liberty and Property. When we find that a law has been broken we look for the law breaker. The leftist have applied Stalin’s secret police policy to one of our presidential candidates, for four plus years - “Show me the man and I will show you the crime,” even if the evidence has to be fabricated as Hillary had done. The evidence of criminal activity by the other major candidate is out for any willing person to see, yet nothing is done, because head investigators are corrupt. Mullin’s team’s phones got deleted  because they made the “same mistake”? How convenient! 

Its a shame, but for the most part, the electorate is under informed and will lead to not keeping our republic. 

Get informed before voting. Vote-Life, Liberty & Property-Your God-given Rights.

James Krueger 
