Mail Bag

Open letter to the ‘patriots’


In the year 2020 it seems many need a civics lesson, not to mention training on how to be an adult. We live in a deeply divided nation and in that environment the country is also dealing with a pandemic, unfortunately dealing with the pandemic is not the reality as science no longer influences what we or the government do, politics is the biggest influence. Yet it seems many, at least considering observing many of the populous at Walmart, have no understanding in basic civics, the government, or respect. Just as how people return shopping carts shows people’s true nature, now masks have become the same in 2020.

First off let us talk about masks and their effectiveness, they aren’t very effective. In order to be effective you need to wear the proper mask for the environment you are in, years of working in construction and serving in the military taught me that. Homemade masks, while better than nothing in some regards, present many problems that nobody seems to really address. Now if everyone wore the proper mask and did it correctly we probably wouldn’t be where we are today, that didn’t and doesn’t happen. However, masks are not a panacea for the Rona (Coronavirus) and they can actually contribute to other health problems. In fact masks and the current environment have shown to be somewhat detrimental to fighting the coronavirus in some instances. Yet this letter is not about discussing whether or not masks are effective in the battle of coronavirus.

This letter is to talk about that which no one seems to be talking about, something I like to call fake patriots. The easiest way to spot fake patriots is to go into a store that requires wearing a mask to shop, like Walmart, you will notice they refuse to wear masks. Now this isn’t talking about people with legitimate health reasons not to wear a mask. It is fully directed to those that find them uncomfortable or believe they are standing against tyranny by not wearing them. If you want to talk about uncomfortable try being dressed in Level 4 MOPP gear (Mission Oriented Protective Posture) in the desert or any training exercise, then we can talk about comfort. If you are a Patriot you suck it up buttercup because you just aren’t that special. For those who believe they are standing against tyranny you make me laugh because you are the cry baby tyrants, not the private stores who require you to wear a mask.

You see in America a private business can require you to wear shoes, a shirt, pants too, even though you never see that on the sign, and masks. Yes a company can require you to wear a mask to shop there but it is not tyranny. Why isn’t it tyranny? No one forces you to shop at any business in the United States you have a choice to shop somewhere or to shop somewhere else.

So to all you fake patriots suck it up buttercup and wear your mask if a business requires it, hell that is a true Republican value. I mean only 5.8 percent of the population has served or is currently serving. I am sure the recruiters would be glad for you to enlist if you want to be a patriot sign right up. Be the American that was worth fighting for because lately all I see is tyrants who go against everything I swore an oath to defend. If a business tells you to wear a mask, wear it or shop somewhere else, you just aren’t a special buttercup, except maybe to your mother.